

Object and Type


Object  : FCGeneric

Type     : Method





Public Sub RelateIntFldByID(ByVal the_objid As Long, _

                            ByVal the_field As String)





There are a number of fields (not relations!) that hold objids of other tables in them. For example, in the site_part table, the site_objid field contains the objid of the related Site object.


This method stores the specified objid for the current row of the generic object in the specified field.

It is basically the same as setting the relation via the Fields collection. This method is provided for compatibility. It can be used with any long integer field.


You must update the object via the Update or UpdateAll method for the relation to take place.





Parameter Name                Required?             Description                                                                                          

the_objid                               Yes                         The objid of the object to relate to

the_field                                                Yes                         The field to store the objid



Error Codes


Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                               

12014                                      The specified field is not a long integer field

12031                                      This operation is not valid for a generic that is marked distinct





The following example sets the site_objid field of a site_part to a specific value: 268435457.



The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.


  // Get some site_parts

  var boSitePart = FCSession.CreateGeneric();




  // Relate the site_objid field to a specific objid

  boSitePart.RelateIntFldByID(268435457, "site_objid");



Visual Basic:

The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.


  Dim boSitePart As FCGeneric


  Set boSitePart = fc_session.CreateGeneric

  boSitePart.SimpleQuery "site_part"



  boSitePart.RelateIntFldByID 268435457, "site_objid"
